Snowbird Feb 14 2015

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Snowbird Feb 14 2015

Spring Valentine’s Day at Snowbird

It hits 70+ degrees in SLC this afternoon and 50 at 11,000 feet at 2 in the afternoon.  Overnight it was in the 20’s at Snowbird.  It took until after 11 am to thaw the frozen chicken heads out off the groomers.  The funniest moment of our trip happens about 10:30.  Its sunny and getting warm and about 20 people are standing on the cat walk poking their poles into the snow on the double black line looking down into Mineral Basin.  My says heck I’ll go find out.  He rips off 20 nearly perfect turns and turns around and shrugs his shoulders so I drop in and it was not yet ready for prime time and still frozen solid bumps.  I ski to him and we look up as the lemmings all follow and it’s a carnage of tumbling bodies.  He made it look way too easy and they followed the kid.  My son laughed his head off over that one.

Once thawed the corn was really nice. We skied great lines in ski patrol gully and the chutes and cliff zones of Mineral Basin for a few hours.  The only lift lines more an a minute all week were on the MB chair during that span.  Around 1 we moved over to skiing the Cirque where you could either ski chalky dry snow in the shade or corn in the sun.

Ripper Z in the Cirque - it much steeper in person than it looks with the camera pointed down into the shot

My favorite run of the day was our last.  I think it’s called Pucker Bush – its skiers left off the cirque traverse away from the Cirque.   I had been spying it all afternoon while we lapped the Cirque.   It faces west and we perfectly timed the corn snow.  I happen to think well timed corn can be just as good as powder.  It was fantastic.  The negative of a spring corn day in mid Feb is that the sun is at much lower angles than in later in the Spring so the corn takes longer to get right and freezes back in the shade quickly.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Snowbird Feb 14 2015

I love how his race training shows in his form..Nice job!!!!
"Peace and Love"