Snowmonkey Siting at Greek Peak 2/11/12

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Snowmonkey Siting at Greek Peak 2/11/12

While I thought Snowmonkey was skiing the bigger mtns of Vt, I believe I saw her dipping knee on the trails of Greek Peak today.

Conditions were ok. Good snowmaking effort showed on Fields, Stoic, Christy's, Trojan and Mars Hill. Iliad and Alcemene were not fantastic, a bit icy in places, but enough snow to find for turns.

I parked at Chair 5 and found out that you could get to the rest of the mountain, but you couldn't get back. I ran into a friend there and we decided to take a few runs on Mars and then ski over to chair 4 and then rode chair 1 for a while. It started to snow and got much colder. It was nice that it started to feel like winter.

They were running the shuttle over to chair 5, but I caught one of the managers hopping in his van and asked for a ride and he happily obliged.

When I got back to chair 5 I met up with a friend there and took another run with him. While popping into my skis, my brakes did not come all the way up. They were stuck on the edge of my ski. The brakes were bent! The ski felt just at it did before it popped off at Heavenly last week. I think this was the problem last week too, but since it was an intermittent problem I didn't realize what it was. This explains alot as I wasn't really sure why the ski popped off. It felt like it got stuck, and apparently it got stuck on the brake when I was leaning the ski over to make a turn once I had picked up speed.

I stopped over the the ski shop and had them bend my brakes back into position. All good. Now I just need to figure out why my shoulder, neck and back are still so sore from last week's fall. I think I may have torn my rotator cuff and I'm still suffering the effects of the impact. At least my legs feel ok. I plan to ski tomorrow too.
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Re: Snowmonkey Siting at Greek Peak 2/11/12

Haha, did you see me eating snow, too?  I wiped out a lot today...  ugh, those "variable conditions!!!"  Nope, I got back from VT in the wee hours of the morning Thursday, so you did see me at GP today!  Conditions were better in the morning, when it was +30F.   And our friend Bill says it got better later in the afternoon, as more snow fell. Bring on the snow!!!  

I hope you didn't tear your rotator cuff.  That is teh suck!  Remember, I tore mine about a year and a half ago mountain biking?  It's been in rough shape since VT earlier this week.  Too many falls and overexertion.  May be time to break out the PT exercises again.  

I'll be out tomorrow, too.  I plan to get there between 10-11am.  Send me a txt when you get there!