Snowstorm March 1...We were a couple hundred miles west...BRISTOL

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Snowstorm March 1...We were a couple hundred miles west...BRISTOL

Today started for me with rain falling outside and after checking my Facebook and Harvey Road...tears of frustration!
The plan was to pick my kid up from school and head into the raging storm    We're on our way...  I used to go to Bristol in college when I wanted to ski bumps.  It holds the distinction of the highest vertical drop between the Appalachians and the Rockies.   The first lift ride up was a bit discouraging  But all of the trails were well covered.  Conditions were soft and spring like.  Much of the groomed remained barely skied.  Bristol has a nice pitch and skis pretty big for a small mountain.  We found plenty to have fun with like trees( if you look carefully you can see the kid)   and there was a nice line of bumps on Galaxy    Rocket and Meteor were nice high speed cruisers and came to life once the lights came on    The cool thing about night skiing at Bristol is that they light 96% of their trails.  The few trails that were closed at night didn't have enough snow to ski during the day. We skied for a little over 3 hours before we saw other people...and then it started to rain   or something was falling from the sky and it was wetter than we left...very pleased that we came out.  Skiing spring groomed with noone else just like skiing a foot plus in a crowd (ok maybe not but I got to ski with my kid and that is rare)
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Snowstorm March 1...We were a couple hundred miles west...BRISTOL

Bristol looks deserted. It looks like they were just open for you. Nice.