Straightbrook Quad

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Straightbrook Quad

MC2 5678F589
Facebook announcement that they're filling in some of that hole that people have to climb up to reach the Straightbrook Quad. Also, some unspecified changes to lower headwaters (hopefully in the Bottom of Rumor/Bottom of Hawkeye area where people congregate). Sounds good to me. Anyone have any more details?
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Re: Straightbrook Quad

"We have regraded Headwaters from Hawkeye down including below the lift.  We are also adding a snow making fan at Pine Knot and Uncas intersection as well as another tower gun at the top of Tannery."
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Straightbrook Quad

Good to hear.  My dad had a pretty bad crash in that dip near the Straightbrook Quad.  He thought he tore a ligament or broke his wrist.  Luckily none of those happened, but it still hurt like hell for a while.
I've lived in New York my entire life.