Sugarbush Cinco de Mayo weekend will be free

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Sugarbush Cinco de Mayo weekend will be free

I know that this being the NYSkiBlog, it has been controversial at times to mention crossing the lake. However, with lift assisted skiing done in NY this weekend, I thought I might mention that Sugarbush will be hosting free skiing provided they open this weekend. There isn't exactly tons of terrain. Steins Run will provide maybe 1400 vert of steep bumps, Spring Fling is a cool groomer, and Snowball is an easy blue that features great views. If things go really well, the summit will also be open which will deliver Jester, Organgrinder, and Ripcord, and that would be awesome.

So, with any luck I'll have skis on this weekend. And for FREE!

Keep an eye on the Bush FB for details.
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Re: Sugarbush Cinco de Mayo weekend will be free

ml242 wrote has been controversial at times to mention crossing the lake...
Not in my mind.

Have a great time!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Sugarbush Cinco de Mayo weekend will be free

I drove past Whiteface yesterday and it does not look like Cinco de Mayo is going to happen with the high temps this week in the forecast unless they somehow and push a ton a snow around

The Bush has the right Northern aspect to pull this off I think
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Re: Sugarbush Cinco de Mayo weekend will be free

I'm considering it but probable Sunday if at all
11/25, 1/28, 4/6 Okemo; 12/03, 3/4, 4/7 Stratton; 12/10 - Skiing Santas, 1/15, 3/10 Whiteface; 12/22, 3/3 Gore; 12/26 Snow Ridge; 12/28 Stratton; 1/20 Mt Sunapee; 1/21 Pico; 2/3 Killington; 2/7, 3/7 Windham; 2/16 Eldora; 2/17, 2/18, 2/20 Winter Park; 2/19 Steamboat; 2/21 Copper; 3/11 Jiminy Peak; 3/17 Bromley; 3/25, 4/8 Belleayre; 3/31 Hunter
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Re: Sugarbush Cinco de Mayo weekend will be free

I'll be there, both days. I hope they don't back out, booked a room at the Golden Lion for Saturday night. I'd be willing to camp, temps supposed to be in the mid 40's overnight, but I doubt anywhere is open till Memorial Day Weekend. The hot tub and breakfast will be appreciated, I'm sure.