TR: Special day skiing with The Queen of the Hop :>)

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TR: Special day skiing with The Queen of the Hop :>)

warp daddy
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OK: Here's the situation, so my infamous RED Group Posse (Retired Extremely Dangerous) ski whackjobs  all left for Florida March 1--  (bastids) to chase the little white ball and go alligator fishing for all their damn errant tee shots .  

So at this point of the year i usually ski solo EXcept on  rare Blubird Days---------- when the Queen goes with me to ski . She always will go with me but only skis on primo days as i 'll explain later.

So after this weeks storm, we decided to test out the pow at  the "mighty" Titus . It was warm, partly sunny and conditions were sa-weet .  Titus got a ton of snow in the last 2 storms and the mtn left several trails ungroomed and a few stashs were prime - so it was a great day for us both .

I decided to " reel it back"  and ski with HER on her favorite trails in the AM and assume the role of coach ( um what i really mean is --- If she asked for help)    We took about 9 runs together in the AM and she was doing fine and enjoying herself  . We'd decided to  ski solo for awhile in the pm so i could satiate my inner speed demon .

Now skiing with the Queen is a real treat for me. Just as big a deal as skiing with my adult children and of course "da Grandboys". and My regular buddies in our "RED" group ski posse .

The Queen skis ONLY on blubird days NOW  in late Feb and March after the

Posse leaves for Florida .She favors gentle cruisers now since she had surgery ( steel plate six screws etc etc)for a nasty inside the boot ankle break  that happened on the FIRST day of a ski week vacation in North Conway a couple of years ago.

She is a fine multi- sport athlete and is great shape all the time working out 4/5 days a week since we've been together
I'm just very happy that she is still skiing and is very willing to go with me EVEN if she isn't skiing -- she's a great partner --- i'm a lucky ole fart

here's a few shots of her skiing yesterday and one of the coach too
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: TR: Special day skiing with The Queen of the Hop :>)

Nice job Warp...looks like U and da Queen enjoyed a great day of skiing....look at all that SNOW