Ted Blazer Walks the Walk.

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Ted Blazer Walks the Walk.

Many probably know that Ted Blazer of ORDA came to the Catskills in the fall to meet with all four mountains.  He came to listen and lend his support to skiing across the region, not just a Belleayre.  From what I heard many felt it was an important gesture.

I heard a story today that indicates that it was more than a gesture.

Yesterday an ORDA vehicle pulled into the parking lot at Plattekill.  Ted got out of the truck and bought a lift ticket and skied a few runs. Then he bought lunch.  After lunch he made his way down to the office and started a conversation with Laszlo (owner of Plattekill) who happened to be inside at the moment.

In the course of the conversation it came up that Laz needed a part to get one of his groomers running. It's not unusual for GMs to lean on each other when in a pinch for a part. Laz had reached out to Hunter and Windham, and had no luck tracking down the part.

Ted asked why he hadn't spoken to Belleayre.  In the past Bell mgmt hadn't been willing to help with mechanical issues, so Laz didn't even consider making the call.

Ted ask for the phone, called Bell and said "I'm handing the phone to Laszlo, please help him." Ultimately Bell didn't have the needed part either, but that doesn't change what happened.

You should have seen Laz light up when he told me the story. IMO = awesome.

You go Ted!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ted Blazer Walks the Walk.

That's cool
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Re: Ted Blazer Walks the Walk.

 warm fuzzy
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Ted Blazer Walks the Walk.

Nice job by T Blazer. Hopefully this continues.