Thank You ORDA

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Thank You ORDA

Okay so a week ago I posted complaining about ORDA and shared an e-mail that I sent them.  I was then tarred and feathered for my rant.  I will admit that my post may have been a poor choice.  I have learned from this and will try to chill in the future.

Saturday I was fortunate enough to make it to Whiteface for what may have been my last day of skiing this season (I hope not but I'm a realist).  I appreciate ORDA keeping the mountain open and the efforts of all those who made it possible.


I also sent another e-mail to ORDA, this time I thanked them.

So all in all I'm sorry about my rant and I've been humbled.  I am thankful for all my ski days and all the good times I've had at Gore and Whiteface this season.  The good far outweighs the bad at these two wonderful mountains.

Cheers all!
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Re: Thank You ORDA

MC2 5678F589

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Re: Thank You ORDA

I dunno, they could still do better if they open back up next weekend!
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Re: Thank You ORDA

I had a great time skiing Sunday while Saturday was much less fun with that cold wind but I just didn't see enough cars in the parking lot or non pass holders skiing to justify keeping it open as much as I would love to ski again.

Its time to play golf or do what ever you do in the summer at this point.  Maybe if it stay cold that Cinco de Mayo thing will come off as we get a little more in a few weeks once we are missing it more.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Thank You ORDA

It takes a very big person to publicly apologize.  I for one am very impressed!   
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Thank You ORDA

and add my thanks to all the fine employees @ our beloved WF!  Superdackie season baby!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!