The Future of Skiing...?

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The Future of Skiing...?

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Re: The Future of Skiing...?

Skiing "stones" is fun.     While I have not done it on massive mounds like this, I have skied some pretty large piles of sand and silt at local constructions sites... Only because it looked to be fun.  

I have some great video of myself and then 3 yr old son skiing some super dry silt piles behind the house.   The pitch was about 35 degrees.  You remained stuck until you wiggled a bit, then you slid.    

My son was as dirty as Linus.      

For those interested in this, there is some dune skiing in Ut, Or and maybe Wa.  

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Re: The Future of Skiing...?

My wife and I tried it when we were in Chile.  

We were out in a spot with about 100 vtf slopes.  It was fun, but needless to say, I much preferred the riding Andes snow over Attacama sand.

The action photos in the article look pretty sweet.  I'm thinking this guy is an expert tuner.  We spent as much time waxing the boards as we did riding them.  The wax was key for good glide.  Unfortunately, with the boards we were on, the wax only held to the base through your 3rd turn... after that if felt like the worst grabby snow you could ever imagine.
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Re: The Future of Skiing...?

Peter Minde
Beach skiing was a thing for cross country skiers for awhile.  Right along the high tide line.