The Gondola Experience

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Re: The Gondola Experience

As an extrovert, I rather enjoy the gondi more than lift.   Part of the skiing experience for me is meeting other fun folks and hearing about the good times they are having or where they are skiing/boarding etc.   When on a lift, especially on a cold day, there is a tendancy stare ahead.   In a Gondi you face each other.    I find it quite different than a elevator where everyone faces the same direction and no one wants to talk.     When you face each other, you see other humans, it almost seems rude not to say hello with a greeting and act or respond in a polite way.    I find most skiers/boarders are great, positive people and act accordingly.  

As far as negative stories go....only one.   Some younger folks lit up pot while my kids were on board. (? really)   I spoke up and they kindly stopped.   I am not afraid of speaking up on bad or rude behavior.   That said, most folks who slip in a 4 letter word while kids are on board have quickly apologized or caught themselves.    

What would I do were I caught in a gondi with kids acting badly?  My answer would be the same as in a plane.    Close my eyes and thank God it is not me who has to deal with those kids the rest of the day.  Be happy I am not at work or think about what run I am going to take next.    The positive thought seems to make the trip faster.   Or, if I feel I can help.  I try by asking personal questions the kids have answers to....."Hey, those are some really cool skis.....when did you first learn to ski? "   Changing the focus can sometimes help the kids/parents.  

Just spent 3 days at Gore,    Rode the gondi about 5 times each day, alone with my kids each trip.   Nice, family fun time.    Kids and I love the history stickers, great conversation starters--thanks GORE.        
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Re: The Gondola Experience

I:)skiing wrote
What would I do were I caught in a gondi with kids acting badly?
I just tell them that if they shake the car too much that it will fall off like it did 5 years ago.  This gets them to sit down and shut up in a heartbeat.  Telling them that I know how to open the doors works well too.
I've lived in New York my entire life.