The Gore Roller coaster

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The Gore Roller coaster

It's been an interesting few weeks being a temporary resident of North Creek over the holidays.  14 ski days nearly everyone day having markedly different conditions.  It's amazing how the mountain went from being terrific on 12/16 to nearly shut less than a week later to only have temps fall into the single digits so the mountain could be resurrected. Who else got to ski those epic whalebacks on Hullaballo the weekend before x-mas?  That was a rollercoaster onto itself!

Then we had the ice storm the weekend after christmas where everything flash froze.  It was so bad that Debs and I actually pulled out our alpines that Monday and Tuesday. It was the first time we skied Gore on alpines. Gore's not so big when skiing on those boards.  

Gore was finally rewarded with powder after new years, but at the cost of turning my nose white with frostbite on Friday. Mtn ops also groomed everything down too.  Who poached Ward Hill? That was an awesome 10 turns! Thank goodness we kept our son up there instead of sending him back to school in NJ after new years'.  Early dismissal Thursday followed by school closed Friday.  What will this weekend bring, more rain???  Who else has ridden the rollercoaster these past few weeks?
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Re: The Gore Roller coaster

  No roller coaster for me, only one day so far this year at Gore, 1/9 ISKINY $12 day. It wasn't terrible, definitely a day for sharp edges, not a ton open, well worth $12. Stark contrast from powdery Snow Ridge the day before. Thank God for the single line at the gondi, I would normally have skated over to the Adirondack Express, if it were open, but barely waited in the singles line, stayed up top except for one fast run down Twister. I look forward to hitting Gore later in the season on a snowy bump in the coaster, Gore is so much more fun when the trees are in play. A patroller showed me spots of damaged skin on his face from frostbite he got on Tuesday, -35° wind chill, brrr.