Don't know if anyone's been following this story, but I think the case for ripping up all the train tracks from Old Forge to Lake Placid is made pretty strongly in
this Op Ed from the Enterprise:
By beating this dead horse of a tourist train, they are blocking one of the best opportunities we have ever had to do something of lasting economic value for the region. A world-class recreation trail running through the Adirondacks from Lake Placid to Old Forge would attract tourists to our region by the hundreds of thousands, tourists who would spend millions of dollars at local restaurants, lodgings, bike shops, outfitters, museums, etc. A recreational trail of this stature has been described by more than one observer as "an economic game changer."
Great Allegheny Passage is doing great things for out of the way places in rural Pennsylvania. And the proposed ADK trail most likely has way better scenery than that path - although probably not as cool as the
amazing rail trails in British Columbia. Anyway, please support the
Adirondack Recreational Trail Advocates (ARTA) as they try to fend off a bunch of Railroad buffs and hopefully make a really cool trail.