The MadPat Streak Thread

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The MadPat Streak Thread

Looks like the streak lives.  Number 109.

Toll Road?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Yes!!!Left Ottawa at 9:30, waited at US customs and got a strange look from the officer. Cop cruiser tail gated me for a while then I tailgated a construction truck. That being said, it took me 3:30 driving time. Eat a quick snack and started hiking the long road at 1:40. Meet Ron hiking down at 2:30. I booted up just after the Wilmington turn as it was just pass 4. Maybe 2 miles of skiing. Nice corn. I've skied on snow, grass, mud, rocks and sand, but never wet pavement. The result was one of my rare fall. Ouch !!! Back to the car just prior to 6. Just prior to Sunset. There were 3 others skiers (NY 2 + VT).
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Telemark Dave

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

pics or it didn't happen
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Chris wrote
pics or it didn't happen
There a few beautiful pics, but no action shots of course. I'll try to write something in the next few days.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Always wondered how MP ranked months for the difficulty to keep it going.  From what I've seen October is at the top...

Aug/Sept ($$)


"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Harvey wrote
Always wondered how MP ranked months for the difficulty to keep it going.  From what I've seen October is at the top...

Aug/Sept ($$)
We'll let's looked at the actual numbers since I got my driver's license prior to the 1981-82 season (also year when I've kept detailed ski diary):

November to May should not be an issue, unless they are health / injuries issues. When I was in University (7 years), midterms and term papers and exams made it difficult for October (mid), December and April (term).

OCTOBER : 29% - 10 out of 34 seasons: 13 days - Last 10 years. Midterms about October in K good old days plus both my daughters' were born in or very close to October. 2005-...

NOVEMBER : 67% - 22/33 : 32 days. - 11 years gap in the middle with no Nov turns. Finishing thesis, new job in different town, 2 babies (1981-1992 & 2003-...)

DECEMBER : 91% - 30/33 : 113 days - Exams (1983), New job in a different town (1994) & 2nd baby (2002).

JANUARY : 100% - 33/33 : 287 days

FEBRUARY : 94% - 31/33 : 230 days - Every year except 1983 and 1987 due to broken collar bones.

MARCH : 97 % - 32/33 : 248 days - All but 1983 (see Feb reason)

APRIL : 91% 30/33 : 130 days - Injuries and exams

MAY : 94% - 31/33 - I've skied 30 of the last 31 years in May and 31/33. 70 days since 1981-82 season. The only 2 years I didn't ski in May was in 1983 and 1998 due to health issues.

JUNE : 52% - 17/33 : 32 days - 1988, 1992-1997 & 2006-...

JULY : 27% - 9/33 : 16 days - 2006-...

AUGUST : 27% - 9/33 : 21 days - 2006-...

SEPTEMBER : 27% - 9/33 : 34 days - 2006-...

In summary,

So all the months with over of 50% should be issues in the East (November to June).

Although I've only started skiing in July to October in the ski streak years, July turns were almost, if not always, available in the first week of July in the last 10 years. Even if I didn't keep in exclusively to the East, I didn't need to fly out (2006, 2010, 2012) to get turns.

August/September : you need a plane ticket or a long drive and planned a couple of days or weeks to overlap both months.

October : this one is hard, because you never know when and where, plus I have to plan around with bday parties and Halloween when the girls were younger. Sometimes you have to be ready to drop everything and go. This season is maybe only the second season since 2005 that no one has spun lifts in the East in October. In 2012, I missed Kmart's opening for passholders only on Oct 13.

So if you want to rank them :

1. Aug/Sept $$$
3. October because sometimes you have to wait at the last second. I flow to Denver in the last days of October 2007, but Sunday River managed to open on October 31. October barely edges July in difficulty.
4. July- if there is no snow in the 1st week of July, you can always flyout which I've never gone specifically to maintain the ski streak).

Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Like most Octobers, the streak is in jeopardy.  But this season is a bit different. It's not about marginal temps and lack of snowmaking as it seems likely that K will spin on Monday. MadPat has a fractured foot. There is talk about one run at K.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Harvey wrote
Like most Octobers, the streak is in jeopardy.  But this season is a bit different. It's not about marginal temps and lack of snowmaking as it seems likely that K will spin on Monday. MadPat has a fractured foot. There is talk about one run at K.
It's not going to be Monday unless it looks like there isn't going any other opportunity to make turns in October. So far the forecast looks like SR, K and maybe MSS might offer more Octo-lift serve turns.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Plan update?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The MadPat Streak Thread

Harvey wrote
Plan update?
Looking for midweek status of ski areas and forecast for the rest of the month. With my right ankle, I can't really drive a long time.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography