The Mountain Collective Pass just got better

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The Mountain Collective Pass just got better

Benny Profane
I may quit my job, finally.
funny like a clown
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Re: The Mountain Collective Pass just got better

i just got that email too..if you got the time, it's a great deal..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: The Mountain Collective Pass just got better

They added Mammoth and Whistler without raising the pricing. This is starting to get really interesting.

When will an eastern resort get into this thing?  This would be a great way for Orda to get some national exposure now that they are doing business with Liftopia.

Like Benny said if you didn't have a job and could go on a massive road trip all but Whistler are resonably within driving distance - start in Aspen and in 2 weeks you could hit them all except WB.

I was so excited I started a new thread before seeing Benny's so I deleted the thread and reposted here - sorry Harv

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Re: The Mountain Collective Pass just got better

Benny Profane
What's really cool about this is that is covers pretty much the entire west, so, if you can afford a winter with no commitment to a bed anywhere, you just follow the snow. Perfect for a camper.
funny like a clown
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Re: The Mountain Collective Pass just got better

Paging MC2, this sounds right up your alley.

If I magically make enough money to take next winter off, I'm in. Although, if you have a seasons pass to any of these mountains you get half off at any other. A couple kids I work with went to Jackson a few weeks ago. One just had an alta pass so he skied for half off. The other had an altabird and couldn't get any discount. Sucks for him! Good thing the bird is added this year, because I can do the upgrade and still make it to Jackson for half price! A trip to whistler and mammoth would be pretty cool, too.
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Re: The Mountain Collective Pass just got better

tBatt wrote
Happy BIRTHDAY tBatt!  

You should get a pass for your birthday.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The Mountain Collective Pass just got better

Benny Profane
Combine this with the Vail Corp. Epic pass, and, well, makes eastern ski deals look pathetic.
funny like a clown