The Red Group hit Titus Today 2/3/12

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The Red Group hit Titus Today 2/3/12

warp daddy
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The Red group hit Titus today . 2/3/12

Conditions : Firm /Fast

Five of us hit the mtn for first chair today after sitting home for 2 weeks and 5 damn ice storms . We all were "antsy" from  not skiing in awhile and had low expectations but figured what the hell a bad day of sliding is better than damn near anything else .

I had lucked out earlier this week when I WAS INFORMED I WON A WINTER PHOTO CONTEST and a gift card at the Mtn for $150 . So my next 6 trips there are free------------ yee haa. .

It was a crisp 18 degrees a pleasantly sunny for about an hr then it started to snow . Just snow showers nothing serious .
As we booted up i was amazed to find that the coverage was still full side to side , firm but very edgeable .

While you could see  ice in some huge spots under the Upper Mtn lift the groomers had done a great job of grinding up the death cookies on the open trails giving us some fun stuff to play in . The skiing was very fast and firm but enjoyable as hell and exceeded our expectations given all the recent crap Ma Nature threw our way . Sure the trail count was down about 20 % but hell its still good sliding _Primo no way but fun none the less.

We got in 22 runs on all 3 mtn sides and had a good time . I 'll be back a couple times next week then The RED group heads out for our 2nd of 3 monthly extended trips to Tremblant on the 15th- 17th.

Life is good and the inner demon has been quieted for awhile :>)

Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: The Red Group hit Titus Today 2/3/12

Sick Bird Rider
Nice. Must get back to to Titus. What has changed in 20 years, other than they added an extra mountain?
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