The Replacement Thread (Hips, Knees...)

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The Replacement Thread (Hips, Knees...)

outlaw 1
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So my story goes,I had both hips replaced a little over a year ago,missed all of last year,but back on the hill for this season,can't say I skiing better than ever but I am skiing,and in no pain,unlike the past few years,I'm on day 17 and trying too ski every thing that's open,hit the rumor for a few runs on wensday and it was awesome.  Well anyway I've been reading of others who have had simaler stories of be it hips,knees or what ever,and was wondering if anybody else wood like too share there story.i find it pretty amazing with what they are able too do now a days too keep people doing what they love,and am very thankful that I can still be out there doing what I let's share some stories,the good the bad,,what you got?
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Re: The Replacement Thread (Hips, Knees...)

outlaw 1 wrote
hit the rumor for a few runs on wensday and I was awesome
Fixed it for you.
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: The Replacement Thread (Hips, Knees...)

wow double hip, awesome to hear! how old are you if you don't mind? did you have them both done at once?

I'm 9 months out from a single hip and feeling great so far. i wated to have  done at the end of last ski season - fueled by ibuprofen and maple whiskey. I was back on the bike working up to mtb after a few months and have 10 days on the snow this season. feels great so far - to the point where i am forgetting about it more and more. so much i thought i should probably touch base with my doc to make sure it's ok to be beating on it like i am. he said "no problem" a few months ago but still freaks me out a bit when i think about it!

the reason i asked about your age is a friend of mine is the  same age as me (52) opted for a re-surface  vs a THR based on information given to him by his ortho about limited life of THR prostheses. My doc said this was unfounded with the newer hips and my rationale was that i wanted the strongest build available to have some fun now - could be frickin dead in 15 yrs anyway lol!
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Re: The Replacement Thread (Hips, Knees...)

outlaw 1
nice good for you,i had the same thoughts about beating it up,i do take it easier than i used too tho,no more bumps or real tight trees,well not yet anyways,like i said had them done last year so i was 58,had them done 12 days apart,just wanted it over and not have too string it out for a longer time.i feel great, its all the little things that i couldnt do before that i appreciate the most.and like you i try not too think about it too much..enjoy your ski days,i think i smile skiing now more than ever.
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Re: The Replacement Thread (Hips, Knees...)

Banned User
IDK, but bumps on a replacement hip ? Maybe that's one of those " just because you can doesn't mean you should ".

I guess degree of frequency could also factor in. Myself, I wouldn't completely baby it but I wouldn't hammer it either as you have a lot of life left.
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Re: The Replacement Thread (Hips, Knees...)

Not so sure about the bumps - I was originally scheduled to have my hip done by a local ortho who is a neighbor, hiker and skier who I see periodically on the trails and ski hill. As a skier he assured me I'd be back in the bumps post op.

Due to insurance issues I ended up with another surgeon, probably better for me all things considered - The guy has done more hips than anyone else on the planet. He does ski but not bumps so he wasn't quite as enthusiastic and said I should probably be more cautious with new parts. So far I've limited myself to a few half length bump runs and I'm more old's cool style, not a zipper line banger like my son. I did do a bunch of tele runs in soft pow bumps last weekend - slowed down low impact surfy top turns were a hoot and definitely the way to go!
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Re: The Replacement Thread (Hips, Knees...)

Last fall, I was noticing mobility problems and thought it was due to two torn discs in my back.  Went to PT and he said it was my hip.  Saw the Doctor and he told me that both of my hips were shot.  I am only 54 years old.  Doc said that no amount of PT, Yoga or excercise would help and recommended hip replacements.  Had one hip replaced in January and one last June.  I am now skiing better than I have in years!  If you are suffering from hip problems and are told that you need a replacement, I wouldn't wait.  My pain is gone and the quality of life is much improved.  My Doctor told me to stay away from bumps and glades, but I feel like I will be able to ski them with caution.  It is nice to be able to ski again!