The Season that Was

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The Season that Was

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Conditions at WF were incredible yesterday, considering the "season that wasn't". For me it wound up "the season that was".

Things were looking grim early on due to my dad being in failing health and my fear of traveling too far from him at any given time during the season. Dad rallied, defeated medical science for the third time in his life, and encouraged me to get out and make some turns. Obviously weather was a factor, but took second fiddle to my dad's situation for obvious reasons. From the moment I took my boots off after my last run at WF yesterday, I told my son over and over how pleased I was with the way things turned out this season.

My dad, told me time and time again he was concerned about being a burden to me, which I immediately dispelled. He also told me to continue living my life doing what I love to do most, ski. Every visit with him, he would express happiness  I was able to get up north, and do my thing. He expressed how it made him feel good to hear I was enjoying myself, rather than experiencing the stress and burden that many of us caring for parents experience.

I felt grateful and fortunate to not only have my dad still on the face of the earth, but to reduce my stress, worry, and to begin each week with purpose, optimism, and function after each visit to WF/LP, my and many others "promised land".

I took a look at the definition of "promised land".....a place or situation in which someone expects to find great happiness. I don't know about the "expects" part of the definition, it's more like a place or situation someone knows they'll find great happiness. Never had a bad day at WF, and always have a blast in LP. Maybe I'm the poster child for enjoying both these venues. Hope others feel the same and feel they had a productive, enjoyable season. Looking forward to many seasons ahead.

Upper Northway 4/9/16

Upper Northway 4/9/16
"Feets fail me not"