Thoughts Where to Ski this Week/Weekend

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Thoughts Where to Ski this Week/Weekend

I did not have the opportunity to hit the slopes last weekend and now I'm scurrying about trying to find someplace withing a reasonable distance to get some final runs in.  My plan is to hit Whiteface on Friday and I may take a quick trip over to Gore Sat/Sun for a couple of last runs but I see that MRG is going to try to open tomorrow through Sunday and I was thinking about MRG tomorrow.  I'm looking for some thoughts on this.

I've never been to MRG and have always wanted to check it out but I'm hesitant to make my first trip there under these conditions.  I'm also open to any other suggestions.  What it comes down to is that I am dying to get at least one more good day in.  As far as I'm concerned I'd like to ski next week too but the realist in me is considering that very unlikely.

Please help me find someplace to go without breaking the bank or traveling a day to get there!  (I live in the Southern ADKs)

I'm sure that I'm not alone in wanting to squeeze a few more days out of this season.
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Re: Thoughts Where to Ski this Week/Weekend

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Weather wise, friday and saturday look to be the only skiable days..sunday is a total washout ...saturday might be a very windy day so maybe some lift issues..
save MRG for better condition, so you can really enjoy the mountain..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Thoughts Where to Ski this Week/Weekend

Thanks!  I've been tracking the weather all week and Friday is the day that I've had my eye on.  Unless I hear something really negative I'm going to head up to Whiteface Friday.  I appreciate the thoughts on MRG, that's what I figured but I wanted to hear other's opinions.  I'm still keeping my eye on things though.....I'm wondering if it's worth it to head up to Jay next week or should I just admit that it's over......