Titus Mountain Trees

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Titus Mountain Trees

From Facebook, new tree run off Upper Promise:

Anyone ever ski the trees at Titus?

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Titus Mountain Trees

warp daddy
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UH  Harv   ahem   burp  there  R no tree runs @ Titus  ( wink wink)

Actually they've cut 3 new trails so far this spring !!! One under the lift line on the middle mtn , the one on the upper side of Promise which will be saweet  and another one  somewhere off the long way home i'm betting it one that's been poached for yrs.

These guys r serious about maxing out the terrain they have to work with .  Its a good organization of locals
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Titus Mountain Trees

One day I need to try this place.
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Re: Titus Mountain Trees

warp daddy
C'mon up -- I'll show ya around
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Titus Mountain Trees

warp daddy wrote
C'mon up -- I'll show ya around
How far is it from North Creek or LP?
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Re: Titus Mountain Trees

warp daddy
mebbe an hr from Placid

from Da creek perhaps 90 minutes-- not really sure but in that neighborhood

But u have to know its NOT killer just a mellow fun place to ski , they list 1200 vert BUT that's running from the top of the UPPER mtn to the valley ( some do that BUT most do not-- too many flats), Continuous vert mebbe 800 is accurate .

that said--------------still  fun to ski
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.