Titus mtn expanding trail and glade system

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Titus mtn expanding trail and glade system

warp daddy
According to whats on their website they have not only expanded 4 new glades but by  the 2012-13 season will have a total of 42 trails up from last season's 27 . For glade lovers they've cut some nice stuff now on the UPPER too.
There is talk of a new lodge on FB and the website  http://www.titusmountain.com/
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Titus mtn expanding trail and glade system

Dang, a ski resort expanding...sounds like a good thing..ENJOY!!!
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Re: Titus mtn expanding trail and glade system

warp daddy
Yeah Camp the new owners are sure making an effort to expand their market---- great to see and will no doubt attract the younger skiers and boarders alwa ys a good thing for the future  !
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.