Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

MikeK wrote
Looks like Johnny's stoned in this video. You know who's going to Jackson? I'm going to Jackson if I can sneak my shit out the house and get on a flight outta Newark before my wife catches me and cuts my nuts off for leaving her behind. Shooting for March 13th with my two older sons. Yee Haw!!!!
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

Sorry for the hyjack..

Jackson in March can be real ify ..Remember Jackson faces SE and gets baked out .. I have heard nightmare stories about coral reef conditions..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

That's true...get in the Hobacks on a late March morning with no new snow, and you won't be having fun.  That said, if you know where to go, there's usually good snow somewhere.  

I was there two weeks ago, and even in January, certain aspects get baked.  

I agree with what people say about somwhere like Plattekill...quality vert.  And honestly, at most big mountains, you'll spend a lot of time lapping one of the upper lifts.  That said, it's super fun to crank out big vert.
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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

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Ya, it's true being mostly east facing but like anywhere Jackson can be iffy any time of the year. Often March goes big. When you have 4k of vert you often get all kinds of conditions and that's kind of part of the attraction. Having time spent there and skiing a lot of the classic lines I now that locals pride themselves on being able to adapt to the changing conditions and read the mountain to find the best snow.

The mountain has every aspect possible so you most often can find decent snow somewhere. Lapping the upper mountain quads provides more than an ample amount of high quality steep terrain especially if you are coming from the east. But like you said it's not the ideal Jxn experience.

But if you go when it's dumping it's hash tag all time conditions. I guess living out west we get to pull the trigger for extended weekends unlike flying from thousands of miles away. Sorry right siders.
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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

so Sno, Would you disqualify Whistlers 5000 vert because you have to ski a few hundred yards down to get to the Peak Chair from the gondola?
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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

That's where my definition is a bit tricky.  In the purest sense, consecutive lifts means that one ends where the other one starts, like Facelift and Summit Quad at WF, B-Lift and F-Lift at Hunter, and Sunrise and Shooting Star at Stratton.  I also consider Facelift and Lookout at WF consecutive lifts.

I'd say it counts if it's only a few hundred yards.  That's a lot shorter than taking Uncas to Straightbrook at Gore.  Uncas to Straightbrook is a full run which makes's 2100 true up descent absolute BS.  Skiing to the Peak Express from the gondola at Whistler is probably closer to the distance from Facelift to Lookout.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

In reply to this post by Jon951
West Mt. 1010, 1010, 1010 period  Right now nice chunk of vertical however you want to slice and dice. !!!  Come ski it.
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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
  Skiing to the Peak Express from the gondola at Whistler is probably closer to the distance from Facelift to Lookout.

You have finally jumped on my last nerve, as my buddy from Jersey sez, "I's got's two words for you."


How can you compare WHISTLER to WF when you've never been to Whistler?

Stop your blithering bullshit until you can actually ski the line you talk and effectively coach it skiing switch.

Pretty Sure I'll Never Ski You On The Hill.  

P.S.  Sno- Please prove me wrong, we do actually like you, else we wouldn't pick on you.

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Re: Vertical: Advertised vs. Actual vs. True Up

Banned User
Dude it's just a game.

I'm not a 'real skier' but I could care less about vert.  I can have fun on 50'.  Seriously.

These number sell stuff, and Sno is just buying into what they sell.  Like I say, it's just a game.  A way to put stones into buckets.  Let him have his fun.