WF/GORE Pics from "back in the day"

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WF/GORE Pics from "back in the day"

Came across some old pictures from skiing Whiteface back in the day (I'm 28 so I'm sure many ppl on here have much older ones than me).  Figured I'd share.  My favorite is the one at the top of Slide 1, me and my brother got in there for the first time ever - I was 11 or 12, him 8/9 if I remember correctly.  Circa 1998-ish.  They used to have this sign on Slide 1, and this was when you entered the slides starting with a mini bootpack off Riva Ridge and a higher traverse I believe.

Might turn into a cool thread - share if you've got them.

Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: WF/GORE Pics from "back in the day"

how dare they let an 8 year old in there to create lasting memories with his family on a perfect spring day.
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Re: WF/GORE Pics from "back in the day"

ml242 wrote
how dare they let an 8 year old in there to create lasting memories with his family on a perfect spring day.
There might have even been some newbs on the traverse that day too! ;)
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Re: WF/GORE Pics from "back in the day"

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That 8 yo in ADmiKe's pic above (kid on left), 5 years later, created another family memory, by tucking Rumor top to bottom without announcing he was going to do just that. Freaked everyone out who saw it. Happy to say my son never repeated this act, and continues to walk under his own power 13 years later. Don't think there's many who have attempted this move..and absolutely don't endorse it in any way shape or form.
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