Warren Miller's ...Like There's No Tomorrow, Landmark Theatre, Syracuse, NY 11/23/11

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Warren Miller's ...Like There's No Tomorrow, Landmark Theatre, Syracuse, NY 11/23/11

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Brenda and I drove up to Syracuse for some ski stoke the night before Thanksgiving.

The Landmark Theatre is a great place to see any show. It's a really cool place with ornate wall decorations and they serve good beer too, and they let you take it into the theater during the movie.

The Warren Miller move tour features free lift tickets, which makes the $20 cost of admission more than worth it. We took home vouchers for lift tickets to Gore, Sugarbush, Swain and Greek Peak.

As usual, the film features footage of some of the best and most beautiful skiers and snowboarders in the most incredible places skiing bottomless and fluffy deep powder on dramatic terrain or doing multiple rotations off big launches.

The huge soft pillows in British Columbia made me drool as did the deep Utah fluff. The skiers' love of the sport was emphasized over and over.

Sure hope it gets cold here...I'm ready to ski!