Warren Miller's ...Like There's No Tomorrow

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Warren Miller's ...Like There's No Tomorrow

Sick Bird Rider
Just got back from seeing this in our little town. If you were there, you would have got to see me on stage with my colleague Bob, MCing the whole affair. It was a fun evening, lots of ooohs and aahs were heard and we did the show as a fundraiser for a local high-school aged athlete who competes in freestyle. We had up her up on stage for a little Q and A and I asked her when we will see her in a ski movie. She looked me right in the eye and said "two years." This kid is going places.

Anyway, back to the movie review. Unless you have a personal grudge against Warren Miller Entertainment for the whole Warren Miller lawsuit thing (and this has been discussed ad nauseum, thank you), I highly recommend going to see this movie. It is definitely one of the (if not THE) best production from WME in the post-Warren era. Johnny Moseley's narration has dialed way back on the cheese factor, the skiing is fantastic, locations are stunning and the music is great. For me, the stand-out segments were the Gulmarg trip, the Norwegian park skiers, CMH heli trip with Yeti and the Mt. Washington hike. Can't complain about the New Zealand and Alaska sequences either. I really don't get the whole sliding down the stair railing thing but whatever, it's fun to watch a bit of it. And man, if I was was 25, I'd be signing up for the Banzai Downhill. But I'm not, so I won't.
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Re: Warren Miller's ...Like There's No Tomorrow

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp