Wayne Stock Wins Award

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Wayne Stock Wins Award

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Not sure how many flatlanders or those outside of the So Adk know about Wayne Stock.

Wayne (Wayno) Bukovinsky is a regular guy (also husband of Tammy the head of Gore Lift Ops) - who had a bad motorcycle accident about seven years ago. He was hurt really bad, and at the same time hammered with medical bills.

His friends got together an threw a big party to raise money to help Wayne. They raised a ton of money and Wayne was blown away by the effort.

Wayne was so overwhelmed by all that the community did for him that he started the non profit group: North Country Hardship Fund. The fund benefits folks who have suffered a recent tragedy. The NCHF covers Warren, Washington, Essex, Hamilton and Saratoga counties.

Since Wayne Stock was such a great hit when it was a fundraiser for Wayne that it has now been dubbed THE MAIN fundraiser for the North Country Hardship Fund. Always being held the first Saturday of August every year. Since 2010, the NCHF has granted over $64,000 to people who have suffered a recent tragedy such as an accident, fire or life threatening illnesses.

Find out more about the NCHF by going to the website: www.northcountryhardshipfund.org or joining the NCHF facebook page.

It's FNKA awesome. Anyway national recognition has come to the event. Way cool.

* * * *

North Creek’s Wayne Stock wins national Johnsonville award

North Country Hardship Fund gets $10,000 top prize

By Andy Flynn

North Creek — A humble couple trying to make the world a better place for North Country residents recently earned top honors in the Johnsonville Best of US contest, pitting unsung heroes against each other to find out who is the best in making America great.

Johnsonville — the sausage company from Sheboygan Falls, Wisc. — awarded Wayne and Tammy Bukovinsky the grand prize of $10,000 on June 24 for Wayne Stock, the marquee fundraising event for their not-for-profit organization, the North Country Hardship Fund. Johnsonville President Bill Morgan made the phone call himself.

“It was very, very exciting,” Tammy said. “His last words were, Keep doing what we’re doing.’ It was good to see some good news come out after all the bad news in the world.”

The Best of US contest covered two categories: Community Celebrations and Educators. The Wayne Stock music review earned the most amount of votes for the Community Celebrations category, open to special events, parades and festivals “that showcases the spirit of your community and reignites pride in our great nation."

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Wayne Stock VI

Darkside Shaman
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Well another Wayne Stock fundraiser for The North Country Hardship Fund has come and gone and once again I am so proud to be member of this community! The weather was spectacular, the bands were stupendous, and the people who came to the were AWESOME! And once again thank you all that attended for helping us help others!!

Here is a video of the day shot by Erica Bukovinsky Pasquera (Tammy's daughter and a fellow lifty at Gore)

Gotta go to know