Weather & work productivity

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Weather & work productivity

What type of impact does the possiblilty of an incoming winter storm have on your work?

I would guess my work production drops by 25-40% when there is an incoming storm.  It takes time sifting through the different forums, forecasts and mountain websites.  Then once your in them, click a link here all of the sudden 30 minutes has gone by reading about a powder day in Utah, or a Jay mega storm from last year.

The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Weather & work productivity

MC2 5678F589
Yeah, My productivity goes down in the office. When I'm doing fieldwork, there's no effect because I'm either driving or working (I get to stand around in a frigid stream tomorrow!), but in the office, I'm not really able to stay "on task" as much as I'd like.
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Re: Weather & work productivity


Hoping for some poor productivity ahead.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp