Weird Picture

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Weird Picture

There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Weird Picture

Not sure why he (assume its a he because of the hair in his legs) isn't wearing boots.  Surely not because his boots are too tight with all of that extra room in the toe box.     Or maybe he cannot get a narrow enough boot.    In any event I recommend three things to improve his skiing/pleasure:  1) much more duct tape around his heel.   Way too lose!   Unless he is going for the free heel technique, then he likely is ok.  2) Find a way of taping to the ski without going under the ski.  That line of tape is going to be less than desirous on anythign but a 45 degree slope, then again...he may be a death defying free heeler.    3) use pro-wrap dude!   When that tape comes off at the end of the about pain in taking your boots off.    

Thanks for the pick.     Now to see some turns.