What this winter deserves...

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What this winter deserves...

How this winter should go out.

Lyrics NSFW

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Re: What this winter deserves...

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Re: What this winter deserves...

Benny Profane
This post was updated on .
funny like a clown
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Re: What this winter deserves...

Two great movie references. Is it weird that I can personally relate to the guys in Office Space AND The Big Lebowski. Seems like the two should be mutually exclusive.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: What this winter deserves...

I don't know about the first video - that was stupid but the second, well I'd like to scatter the ashes of this season down the toilet and move on. Maybe next year will be better. I haven't got that many more seasons before I can no longer do this, I don't need another looser like this one.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: What this winter deserves...

PeeTex wrote
I don't know about the first video - that was stupid
If you could just go ahead and read the memo on that, that'd be great.
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Re: What this winter deserves...

Benny Profane
billyymc wrote
PeeTex wrote
I don't know about the first video - that was stupid
If you could just go ahead and read the memo on that, that'd be great.

And, um, were really going to need you in here on Saturday, ok?

I have told a few close friends that I want my ashes scattered on the East Wall at Abain, but, please watch that Lebowski scene I posted above, OK? It is Colorado, after all.
funny like a clown