When there were lift lines

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Re: When there were lift lines

campgottagopee wrote
pro2860 wrote
Ahhh...the good old days
Lift lines used to be a wicked good time

back in my Smuggs days we'd have a blast in line...peeps would pass bottles of wine/booze/stuff on fire etc, etc.

seems as tho "fun" has been taken out of the dictionary lately
YEAH...  You know I'm against the purging of our crazy party ski culture(Think Hotdog the movie)...
People used to GET DOWN!!!  Lot's of bars and parties and parades....
none of that stuff anymore really....

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Re: When there were lift lines

dmc_hunter wrote
campgottagopee wrote
pro2860 wrote
Ahhh...the good old days
Lift lines used to be a wicked good time

back in my Smuggs days we'd have a blast in line...peeps would pass bottles of wine/booze/stuff on fire etc, etc.

seems as tho "fun" has been taken out of the dictionary lately
YEAH...  You know I'm against the purging of our crazy party ski culture(Think Hotdog the movie)...
People used to GET DOWN!!!  Lot's of bars and parties and parades....
none of that stuff anymore really....
Yep, I do know that....still a few of us left carrying the flag, or is that flask??? Not sure.

U really need to try and get up to WF and party w/ the AzzClowns....they get it
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Re: When there were lift lines

smuggs still has had the same lifts since the dawn of time. I can't imagine the experience has changed much there.
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Re: When there were lift lines

ml242 wrote
smuggs still has had the same lifts since the dawn of time. I can't imagine the experience has changed much there.
True, but that's really not what I'm getting at.

too many people are sooooooo uptight

cops used to make sure you would get home safely if you've been drinking....now they let you get in your car so they can bust you

people stealin shit from ski areas now....that never used to happen...do they even have lost and found anymore???

i could go on and on

that's what i mean by the word "fun" has been taken out of the dictionary
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Re: When there were lift lines

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campgottagopee wrote
True, but that's really not what I'm getting at.

too many people are sooooooo uptight

cops used to make sure you would get home safely if you've been drinking....now they let you get in your car so they can bust you

people stealin shit from ski areas now....that never used to happen...do they even have lost and found anymore???

i could go on and on

that's what i mean by the word "fun" has been taken out of the dictionary
The Hippies turned into Hypocrites. They debauched their way through their 20s and 30s and decided that they would be against anybody else having fun. I am at the very tail end of these Hypocrites so I was able to witness and enjoy the party.

It was a great party. What happened to these clowns?
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Re: When there were lift lines

x10003q wrote
The Hippies turned into Hypocrites. They debauched there way through their 20s and 30s and decided that they would be against anybody else having fun. I am at the very tail end of these Hypocrites so I was able to witness and enjoy the party.

It was a great party. What happened to these clowns?
Some went in to politics
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Re: When there were lift lines

The old A Lift liftlines at Hunter Mountain were legendary..
I've seen pictures of the mess...

Hunter STILL pays a price for those days...  That kind of thing doesn't pass from memory very fast... :)
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Re: When there were lift lines

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In reply to this post by x10003q
x10003q wrote
It was a great party. What happened to these clowns?
they all have kids in race programs now...  :)
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Re: When there were lift lines

In reply to this post by dmc_hunter
The old A Lift liftlines at Hunter Mountain were legendary..
I've seen pictures of the mess... <quote author="dmc_hunter">
I remember those lift lines like it was yesterday..they also had a lift that ran next to the race hill back then too..

"Peace and Love"