Whiteface, 1/19 & 1/20/2014 (MLK Day)

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Whiteface, 1/19 & 1/20/2014 (MLK Day)

Adk Jeff
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Re: Whiteface, 1/19 & 1/20/2014 (MLK Day)

I like it. Does your son always ski with a cape? Pretty cool. Looks like you have a whole family of rippers!
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Re: Whiteface, 1/19 & 1/20/2014 (MLK Day)

I saw your son...I remember the cape
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Whiteface, 1/19 & 1/20/2014 (MLK Day)

Adk Jeff
He started wearing the cape at the end of last season (on our trip to Jay) and now he wears it literally every ski day.  He gets a lot of cheers and comments because of it.