Whiteface 12/20 - Rain @ Base, Sleet up Top

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Whiteface 12/20 - Rain @ Base, Sleet up Top

That is all. Skiing was actually quite good, as it often is when there's a cold rain. It was sleeting at the summit until about halfway down to the summit quad. Socked in in fog. Don't think today did much damage to the hill. Up top, no damage at all. Further down, some damage but nothing major. Saturday evening/sunday looking scary. Fingers crossed that it's not too bad. Flash freeze after that.
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Re: Whiteface 12/20 - Rain @ Base, Sleet up Top

It's a shame it didn't stay cold, this year was off to an epic start. Oh well, that's East Coast skiing. Hurry back cold and snow!
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Re: Whiteface 12/20 - Rain @ Base, Sleet up Top

how did sky look?
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Re: Whiteface 12/20 - Rain @ Base, Sleet up Top

Grillman wrote
how did sky look?
It looked pretty good. They blew a lot of snow on it on Thursday. Of course, yesterday the guns were off, but - as I mentioned - the top was doing pretty good. There was a lot of freezing rain in Lake Placid yesterday in the afternoon and evening. However, this morning it's raining pretty hard and it's quite warm as well. I assume it's in the mid 40's. I'm headed out to the hill in about an hour. Will have a more detailed report later this afternoon. Hope it's not too depressing.