Whiteface 12/24/12

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Whiteface 12/24/12

Love Whiteface after 2 days at Gore. It is such a bigger mountain. Long and varied runs.

We skied faster than we ever do at Gore. The mountain just screams for it.

Snowmaking on Parkway was the best snow of the day and dominated our run selection. It was just fine to ski that run over and over.

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Re: Whiteface 12/24/12

Nice pics!

What are the base depths like in the woods? I'm trying to figure out my next move.....
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Re: Whiteface 12/24/12

there is an icy breakable crust base from Friday's event. With 4+ inches, the woods should be all open at Gore and possibly Whiteface.
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Re: Whiteface 12/24/12

Thanks for the TR, looks nice. I will make at least one visit to WF this year, I have a rain check from a wind hold day last year that is good through this season. I also have a voucher for Titus, might run up there and check it out while I'm up there. Will you be at Greek tomorrow? I plan on being "sick" tomorrow, I wasn't "sick" at all last year, hopefully they'll understand. Screw em if they don't. I'd love to head for bigger venues, but I have to work Saturday to make up for Christmas Eve off. I think Odyssey and Olympian should be good to go tomorrow, open or not.