Whiteface: 12/26/11

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Whiteface: 12/26/11

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12/26/11 Whiteface was quite good considering the challenges faced with the lack of consistently cold temps for snowmaking. Not to crowded, Essex was good early, esp the skiers right on top and skiers left bottom half. Few icy spots here and there, not bad for WF. Excelsior was good, lower northway also good, Victoria was excellent, bumps in the middle, far left was a little thin but not to bumped, right side was excellent. Lower Valley was excellent, Boreen was firm but very edgable. They were blowing on Follies and the lower section of Parons as well as upper thruway/parkway. Saw they opened upper thruway/parkway 12/27 and looks like they should open the Summit soon even if its only Follies to lower Parons. All things considered it was a good day although I did hear a few people complain about the full holiday price for day tickets considering only about a quarter of the hill is open and nothing with any real pitch.