Whiteface Cloudsplitters Rule! (SOPA)

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Whiteface Cloudsplitters Rule! (SOPA)

Well, it may not have been the best day ever at Whiteface, but for the Cloudsplitters Club, it was an awesome morning!

From its beginning, the club has always traveled by bus from Whiteface to Gore on the Saturday after President's Day. Unfortunately, this year, they were unable to arrange the transportation to do so. Instead, they arranged for a first tracks cat ride for the kids this morning.

They all met at the Cloudsplitters Club cabin at 7:30 this morning ... the cats were already waiting!!!

My son was lucky enough to "score" a cab seat!

And away they go ...

They took them to the top of Little Whiteface, and they were some of the very lucky few who were able to ski down from there today!

Bruce McCulley and Aaron Kellett were there, and I suggested to Bruce that they should change the First Tracks program to Whiteface to include a cat ride. I think a lot of people would be more than happy to pay for the experience, I know I would, at least once anyway!

For anyone looking for a season-long, non-competitive ski program for your kids, I highly recommend the Cloudsplitter Club. My kids have been involved since the club was started in 2003, and I've always been thrilled with it!

It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!