Whiteface NY Monday April 8th

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Whiteface NY Monday April 8th

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Meant to get a TR up earlier this week but got caught up with other things and it never happened.  Here are a few pictures from Monday.  Little Whiteface and Summit trails that had snowmaking this year still had a TON of snow on them.  All natural trails not so much.  Lookout trails seemed to have good snow still.  Things started out a little funky but started to soften when the sun came out around 10.  I skied hard from about 8:45 till 2 and I was done.  Started to get a little heavy on medium pitched trails down below but north facing aspects were just starting to soften up when I left and trails with good pitch were still nice.  Should be plenty of snow left for this weekend (and possibly next weekend:) even with the rain.  Good to bump into HPD and a few of the Gore locals ripping it.

Halfway up Facelift - Summit was in the clouds early

Summit 1 - parting of the clouds

Summit 2 - parting of the clouds

Summit from Little WF

Beginning of Summit Chair

Another one from the Summit with no clouds

The Slides

Upper Skyward start shack