Will pay cash for your wrecked/junker Subaru

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Will pay cash for your wrecked/junker Subaru

Suby Owners

I am seekingl Subarus from 1998 to present, wrecked, dead or barely alive!
I am wiliing to travel and purchase your vehicle within a 150 mile radius of Eatontown, NJ, depending on model and vintage.
Please note: No commercial activity/interest involved. I have friends who are in need of parts and repair their own cars, as I do. Looking for a few new projects in the off season and need to provide a few cars for my family in the near future. Hoping to take a few junkers and make one or two good ones. These things are notorious for blowing head gaskets, and in some cases are not worth taking for professional repair. If you are one of these owners and are ready to retire your car, please contact me.

I can be reached by phone at 732.239.3846

"Feets fail me not"