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We were lucky to be on the Lookout chair to witness the grooming of lower Hoyts High early Saturday morning.  It was impressive!  A true testament to the hard, dangerous work that WF undertakes to produce the best ski product this side of the Mississippi!  

We were even luckier to get to rip on the doubleH right after it was groomed!  Way tamer w/out bumps but still a leg burner and just a super flow!  Def a game changer!

We didn't have camera equipment to document the grooming.  That was too bad because it would have served well for some of the chronic complainers on here (MouthRunsLikeAusableRiver)  to see what is involved w/ managing a real mountain!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Winch2Winch

Winch2Winch, and I thought this thread was going to be about non-monogamous relationships - darn.
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Re: Winch2Winch

Man _0_man, as an ex snow maker I would've loved to see that in action---there' something you don't see everyday, if at all.
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Re: Winch2Winch

it was extremely impressive!  Estimate here, but it looked like at least 500 feet between the two cats...  It was so freaking cool!   
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Winch2Winch

Did WF get any pics???? They really need to make a time lapse video next time they do that. How cool would that be. Maybe I'm all wet but to me that kinda job IS a big deal---not for the faint of heart---me thinks those dudes may have soiled their britches from time to time doing that.