Windham 1/13/12

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Windham 1/13/12

Friday i skipped school to go ski Windham. They got 6 inches or more over Thursday. Its only the second time ive ever skied Windham so the whole mountain felt new. First run of the day on The Wall looking at the East Peak.

Apparently they re-named the newer trail that was Wedgie to World Cup i wonder why....

Heading down World Cup looking at the main mountain tons of cruchy snow on that trail it was very hard to turn, they were blowing snow on this side of the mountain all day.

heading up the east peak quad looking down at Wing'n It

Looking down Wing'n It tons of that crunchy snow in the middle that was hard to turn in but, if you went off the side a little on the untouched snow it was some nice wet powder that was easy to turn in.

MY dad was having some trouble with the tough snow.

Heading up the triple chair looking up the mountain, it was snowing very hard all day.

After getting off the triple the trail under to the right of it is Wanderama and the left side under it is Assembly line(i guess its two trails seperated by pine trees) while my dad skied the side that had a man made base i skied the natural snow underneath the lift which was really soft and easy to turn in.

Nice powder on lower wipeout.

Meathead films, Ski The East.

Going up the quad

On top of Wedel.

At around 3:00 i decided to make my last run of the day, should i jump the rope?

Of course why wouldnt i make the last run a powder run?

Made some nice powder s turns across the trail, had a very good day at the mountain.
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Re: Windham 1/13/12

Thanks for the TR, I'll probably be hitting it in the Spring. I have a free weekday voucher from Warren Miller. The used to just expire early, now there's a window, early and late season, blacked out in the middle. I think I've missed the cut off in the past, or called in the last day it was good. I love doing laps on their mid mountain high speed quad. Hunter's west pod should be similar now with their high speed.