Winter Break--The movie.

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Winter Break--The movie.

Midnight on Dish last night was the movie "Winter Break", a 2003 movie.   Had to stay up to watch it, eventhough I KNEW it would be a loser of a movie.     Yep, it was.     The only thing missing from the tried and true stereotype ski  movie was the "race" scene.    They had the stud instructor, the hero, the drunk,the guy who got a different girl each night, the hot girls and relationships gone bad/repaired.   In lieu of a race scene they tried, unsucessfully in my view, to capture some powder shots.     While I would not run from any of the ski conditions they shot, I am sure Aspen would not consider 6" of powder--when the actors said a "foot of freshies" --helped their marketing.  There might have been ONE waist deep shot. The skiing/boarding was less than impressive;appears the actors did their own skiing/boarding?  Which, if that was the case, they were definitely better than average.  Maybe sliding abilities was a prerequiste to hiring; because they could have pumped up the looks and abilities of the actors in this kind of movie.   With all of the talk about powder, they skied single lines over each other's tracks, after hiking the night or early morning.  (Guess most of the audience would not care about little facts like skiing or overtracking)   Must have really been done on the cheap as some of the "foot of powder" and "first tracks" were shot on clearly skied over flat pitch bumps.  So the stoke I was looking for, really did not occur.    The shots of Aspen were nice.  

Did not enjoy the movie, but its premise did set my brain up for some pretty good dreams the remainder of the night.  : Being young again, moving to a ski area to bum before getting  a real job or life and having a shot at nubile women again.