Wonderous World

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Wonderous World

Banned User
" From stem cell solution to transplantable organ in two days? That’s nothing short of amazing. "


This used the patient's own stem cells, not ones from a test tube baby.
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Re: Wonderous World

fascinating stuff
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Wonderous World

It's cool, but got to be expensive. Who gets it? Everyone?

And then who pays for it?  Everyone?

Hey my dad had his hip replaced and it has changed his life. But insurance paid 80% which was an astronomical sum. Everyone can't have a new hip if we are going to remain solvent.

Hope I am wrong, because I'd like to live forever too.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Wonderous World

Banned User
That's an interesting scenario. I suppose it's not to far fetched to think serious life extending tech is just around the corner and will be avaliable to the rich. If life can be extended to 150-200 years of age, then the masses might not qualify due to extreme over population constraints.

They're also working on making living organs with printers. Need a kidney? Print one out in hours.

Wild stuff.
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Re: Wonderous World

Banned User
Artificial blood vessels created on a 3D printer

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Re: Wonderous World

While it is amazing that they created a trachea from the patient's stem cells, we are a LONG way away from creating actual synthetic organs.  The trachea is not an organ.  It's level of complexity pales in comparison to the liver, lungs, or heart.  I don't think we need to worry about the budgetary implications of synthetic organs just yet.