Work: A Necessary Evil?

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Work: A Necessary Evil?

Not sure if it's necessary or evil really. Sometimes work really bites.  Like now.

Zelda called and she said the UPS guy left a big looong box on the side porch with my name on it.

I think it's time to go home and pet my new Worth skis.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Work: A Necessary Evil?

MC2 5678F589
It's 10:30 and you're still working?

You're doing it wrong.
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Re: Work: A Necessary Evil?

Been there. I feel your pain. Still recovering from my own two month long living hell.

My plan? Suffer through a few years of hard times and come out debt free with half my mortgage paid and serious money in the bank. Then re-evaluate less stressful options and take a huge pay cut and let S do the bread winning for a while.

I once loved salary because it meant my work could be as good as I wanted to make it. But putting in the extra time is no longer done to become the best and do the best work... it is done as a requirement for what you gotta do to get by. Ready to go back to hourly at this point but not in management I am afraid. Five more years...