World Cup Bobsledding at Mt Van Hov

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World Cup Bobsledding at Mt Van Hov

I took my son over to Mt VanHo to check out the 4 man bobsled today.  This is a very cool event to see in person.  It was a pretty big crowd with the parking lots all full and people parking down the road.  It was free to get in if you brought can foods for a local food pantry.  

On a friends suggestion we walked up to turn 10 known as shady corner.  They had a jumbotron set up there so you got to see the whole run and the teams flash by at 70+ mph.  USA 2 came in third and USA 1 was just nipped for the win and got silver.

ZZ at shady corner

Whiteface from the the bobsled track - parons looks very white

The video will give you an idea of the speeds they go

If you missed it this year there is a World Cup Luge event in Feb.  It is better in the winter or on cloudly day since they have less of the track covered with the drapes to keep the ice right.
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Re: World Cup Bobsledding at Mt Van Hov

Here is the video of USA's #1 run

Took forever for youtube to process it so I could post it

if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: World Cup Bobsledding at Mt Van Hov

Yep...all true.   If you have not been to an event, GO.    

Was at a WC event some years ago.    Awesome!   The wall is crazy watching it live.   And folks from all over the world decend.   Cool times.  

And, if you volunteer to work you get free WF ski passes.    
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Re: World Cup Bobsledding at Mt Van Hov

Cool!  World Cup and World Championships at the track are a lot of fun...u dont realize til you go.  Glad you had a good time!