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XC and Snowshoe info/conditions?

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XC and Snowshoe info/conditions?

Will have a couple visitors up in a few week--they don't downhill but they will XC and snowshoe.

Is Garnet Hill the suggested place in the area to go? And how are conditions lately? Any tips?

I've seen some folks snowshoeing around Gore the last few weeks--most notably just off trail of Cedars traverse. Looks like a marked trail. Gore offered snow shoeing a few years ago but its not an active offering anymore, right? So what's the protocol--just strap on and start walking--provided you stay off the ski trails its accepted?
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Re: XC and Snowshoe info/conditions?

Skied Garnet Hill today. I found conditions to be very adequate  considering the season we've had. I skied at  least 25K of the 33K they say are  open. Lake is great! Highly recommend for those who are not downhill people, or are just looking for something new.