Ok forget the ski areas bounderys and all, build your own using, greek, song, tog, lab, cazianovia ski club, innsbruck usa, intermount
Must have 5 greens, 5 blues, 5 blacks, 1 park, 2 glades pick your favs (for fun)
G- docs run, castor, razorback, kayratis way into east medow and into platonic ( kinda is 1 trail? ), slack waters
B-feilds into cristys run, trojen into polex to chair 4 (remove the flat crap),nasar(lab), stormy(upper to lower), mars hill
B- illiad, ptarmigan, olympian, ottos folly, oddisy
Park-badger (labs)
Glad-labrenth, alseps
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards