hickory ski center, warrensburg, NY: 1/4/14.

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hickory ski center, warrensburg, NY: 1/4/14.

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hickory ski center, warrensburg, NY: 1/4/14.

skiing was really nice from top of puma 1 down jack rabbit. top of puma 2 was thin and windblown. it was a fun 3 hrs. lots of fresh powder and small crowds. not all trails open and this rain probably wont help much.

attached is a short video to show conditions. its on my facebook page so you may have to scroll down.


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Re: hickory trip report

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Re: hickory trip report

i corrected link but have to copy and paste into browser. not sure why it wont appear as link

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Re: hickory trip report

Glad you made it, looks like you had a good time!
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Re: hickory trip report

Looks amazing. I thought this placed closed. We are hoping this winter to make it to West and Gore but, now thinking we need to add this mountain to the list.

The family that skis together, stays together.

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Re: hickory trip report

hickory has some great terrain. you should definitely check it out.
they don't make any snow so plan carefully. they also do not
touch the snow. so it is just sitting there waiting for you.