"LOYALTY" Telemark Movie, Albany 12/3

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"LOYALTY" Telemark Movie, Albany 12/3

Editor of Telemark Ski Magazine, Josh Madsen, is bringing his show to Albany, Saturday evening.

Tierra Coffee Roasters
1038 Madison Avenue, Albany, NY 12208

Start @ 7-10, suggested donation $5.00

Josh and Alex Paul will be playing some tunes afterwards. If you're around, check it out!
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Re: "LOYALTY" Telemark Movie, Albany 12/3

MC2 5678F589

I might be in . . . Would have to come down from skiing Gore during the day.
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Re: "LOYALTY" Telemark Movie, Albany 12/3

I live in WNY and am going to the Ellicottville Premier.  My friend Weston Deutschlander, is one of the featured skiers.  His mom, me and a bunch of others head out to Utah together every year for a ski trip.  Great guy, phenomenal skier.