seeking guest room swap for ski races

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seeking guest room swap for ski races

My son is going to be a 1st year u14 this season.  I just printed out the draft race schedule from the Nyssra web site.

Lots more travel since only one weekend racing at Whiteface.  Two weekends at Gore, plus trips to windham and west . Then Champs season hopefully at Bristol for U14 champs and not the Kanadhar series which would be Windham again and then Hunt Hollow which honestly I don't think I've ever even heard of before.

Lodging costs alone are going to run to over a grand.

I'm looking for other ski race family(s) that have a home near some of these venues above willing to trade guest room usage.  I have a home with several guest rooms less than 15 mins from Whiteface.  Ideally a U14 racer would be ideal but even non race families wanting to visit WF and willing to share a guest room would work great.

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