song mountain what if

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song mountain what if

Driving backnto binghamton from syracuse can't ever help but to notice song from the highway, looks big from a distance, but more importantly if you look to the right, you will notice a deep valley and bare mountain,  from 81south it looks like a bigger drop then greek, on a toppo it looks like its a 1000-1200' drop with some nice steeps

Kinda a bristol type set up

If this was the original spot for song can't help but to think how skiing would be diffent in cny, maybe their would be only one area, a greek style resort 10 miles from a major city.....

Anyone ever notice this area? ( could have been the killington of cny for say)
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: song mountain what if

Hmm the Killington of NY?

Not central NY but...

I've often thought about this kind of stuff re other mountains... like HUNTER.  The off the summit looks killer.

Never think about this at Gore because every time I do NY annexes the next mountain over and puts a lift there. LOL

Sorry for the thread hijack.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: song mountain what if

Benny Profane
Well, sorry, but, Binghamton is not a "major city". Nice town, nice location (awesome road biking), but…... Hell, Scranton to the south is a little bigger, and it's mountain went bankrupt due to lack of support a little while ago.

Harvey, every time I ride that six pack at Hunter I drool over that undeveloped stuff just to the left as you're riding up. Looks like a nasty runout, but, I'm no chair placement engineer. I heard once that Hunter wanted to expand, but, the liberal pinko environmentalists have stopped them, led by a state senator from Brooklyn, of all places. But, hey, in the case of Hunter, maybe that makes a lot of sense.
funny like a clown
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Re: song mountain what if

10 miles from syracuse, not binghamton,  ( which I agree is not a major city)

Using "killington of cny", as refrence to the local areas
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: song mountain what if

Benny Profane
Syracuse isn't, either.
funny like a clown
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Re: song mountain what if

650 k with a total area population of 1.2 million or so (Syracuse area), is big enough

The area would have a constant drop, favorable location close to a city, sit in a lake snow band, top to bottom straight drop of 1000', even the top drop q
At greek (olmpian) levels off in the middle,

It would be great for this area
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: song mountain what if

Absolutely right Kenny.  For  those of us from Truxton, Virgil, Whitney Point, etc. Syracuse is the big city.
City folk just don't understand us proud rednecks.  A big deal to us is a night out at the Three Bear Inn.
BTW nothing wrong with Song Mt.
Ski the East
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Re: song mountain what if

Ahh the 3 bear inn, you defe ntly nailed my stomping grounds, them and aellieos resterunte (however they spell it)
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: song mountain what if

In theory, you could find the property owner and ask permission to skin or hike up and ski there.
For that matter, could anyone from the Tully-Spafford-Otisco area be willing to share some information on good spots around there? I see there's a county forest on some steep terrain.
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Re: song mountain what if

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The owner of the top is a religous summer camp that allows the public for 5 $ to use their land, not sure about the bottom

@ harvey
Glad someone else thinks about this stuff, let my freind get me into skiing a few years ago, now everytime I see a good slope I want to go ski it

Bearpen wold have been sweet, a mega resort with a backbone like no other,

Could ski hesenger road aswell as your cut glades, (hesenger drops 2k in 2.3 miles)
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards