Aliens or Serial Killing Sicko in the Making?

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Aliens or Serial Killing Sicko in the Making?

This is just down the road from my house.

It's so bizarre and creepy. I secretly love these kinds of stories though. I freaking can't wait to see the Leonardo movie about Dr. HH Holmes.
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Re: Aliens or Serial Killing Sicko in the Making?

I admit I've always been fascinated by the whole cattle mutilation mystery also. It's weird that there's never been anyone that confessed to any individual case as far as I know. With UFOs, Bigfoot, crop circles... There's a few people who admit to perpetrating frauds. When I was a kid I had a big book titled "mysteries of the Unexplained" or something like that, that covered a bunch of these things. The chapter that freaked me out the most was on spontaneous human combustion.
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Re: Aliens or Serial Killing Sicko in the Making?

Well this article tries to make sense of it all but I'm still not sold that they have the answers either.

I love weird shit.
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Re: Aliens or Serial Killing Sicko in the Making?

In reply to this post by Brownski
What about the hum or booms heard around the world brownski? That stuff freaks me out. HAARP?
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Re: Aliens or Serial Killing Sicko in the Making?

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not familiar with that one. Need to do some investigating
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Aliens or Serial Killing Sicko in the Making?

this is where my Wikipedia spiral ended up. As usual, something silly leads me to a real head scratcher. Apparently there's a whale swimming around out there making noises unlike any other whale on earth and the whale-nerds have no idea what it is. Thanks a lot. How am I supposed to sleep now?
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller