Amid Global Warming - A New Glacier

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Amid Global Warming - A New Glacier

Banned User
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Re: Amid Global Warming - A New Glacier

it's pretty cool, but the title is a little misleading. There was a previous glacier there for quite awhile, something happened!
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Re: Amid Global Warming - A New Glacier

Please someone find me one republican who believes in it or one democrat who doesn't. I mean statistically there should be one somewhere on this planet with several billion people. Even if its just W who forgot his talking points.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Amid Global Warming - A New Glacier

In reply to this post by Snowballs
SB - I posted this in a thread a while back:

Pio XI the largest Glacier in the Patagonia chain -, and what about the Argentina's Perito Moreno Glacier - National Geographic The Glacier on Mt St Helens in Washington state is growing.

So it's a mixed bag, the climate is changing as it always does.  
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.